Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
The Honorable of our speaking lecturer Ms. Ning Setyowati
And All my beloved friends
First of all, let’s praise to the Almighty Allah SWT, because of His blessing we are able to attend of this class in good condition.
Secondly, shalawat and salam always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who’s guided us from the darkness into the brightness.
Thirdly, I also would like to thank you very much who’s given me chance to convey my speech in front of you all.
I take this great opportunity to deliver my speech about
“Culture Shock: Why?”
Culture Shock is something about feeling, experience or frame of reference which can be felt by everyone when receiving a new culture, so that someone’s able to create different perception with others. Actually, to learn new culture can increase information and experience especially, but if the individual is not able to accept the differences between their native culture and new culture, so it makes discomfort the individual themselves.
As we know, we are as English student and make sure that we know what a student exchange abroad is, right? Yes, student exchange abroad is one of activities in campus that’s just several students who feel it. We would like to take into several steps to adjust to the environment. Starting from attitudes and behaviors that are trying to learn and to get information from the new culture, like trying a new language, new technologies, how to dress, how to use a new tool and others. Then start comparing between native culture and new culture to realize the existence of several influences that have shaped our personality. When we return to our country like Indonesia, then we recall the previous habit while in abroad.
Based on my own experience recently or lately, it is not about student exchange but real my experience. When my father was sick, my mother and I mother him about a week in one of metro hospitals. Three days one, we are in general room and it looks normal. At fourth day, we move to class one (or we can call VIP room). So, it looks abnormal because I see at toilet that shape sit closet. I have seen before but I don’t use it yet. I think it looks “norak” (tacky). I try to use the closet and feel strange. I don’t know how to cleanse the closet before until I find the circle button and press it so that automatically the water cleanse it. So, it has different to my closet in home and I like my closet. So, I feel culture shock but next few days, I use it as usual. After I’m in home toilet, I recall the sit closet in hospital.
In short, conclusion that can take is culture shock that happen by whoever and wherever based on each individual with adapting the environment. Not all people know and understand about sit closet like me, what it is and how to use it. So, it makes us confused however it becomes us to be global people so that we don’t be left by modernization. Because it’s related to new culture and we have to learn.
“No man, no culture, but more important than that, no culture, human beings there would be no” (Clifford Geertz)
I think that’s all my speech, I do hope my speech will be useful in our life next.
As human being, I do realize that I have any mistake, so I apologize to you all. Then, I don’t forget to say thank you so much for your nice attention.
The last say...
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb